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Activists Target World Heritage Site To Raise Awareness

Just Stop Oil Protesters Spray Stonehenge Orange

Activists Target World Heritage Site to Raise Awareness

Protestors Demand End to Fossil Fuel Investment

Protesters from the group Stop Oil sprayed an orange powder onto the monoliths at Stonehenge on Wednesday, demanding an end to fossil fuel investment. Several of the iconic stones - dating back to the late Neolithic period - were seen covered in the substance.

Two Just Stop Oil supporters were arrested following the protest. The group said in a statement that the action was taken to highlight the "climate emergency" and call for the government to take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"Stonehenge is an iconic part of our heritage, but it is also a symbol of the damage we are doing to our planet," said one of the activists involved in the protest. "We are spraying it orange to demand that the government stop investing in fossil fuels and start investing in renewables." The protest comes just days before the UK government is due to announce its new energy strategy. Stop Oil is demanding that the government commits to ending all new oil and gas exploration and production in the UK, and to investing in renewable energy sources instead.

The group has been praised by some for its "direct action" approach, but others have criticized the vandalism of a World Heritage Site. However, the activists insist that their actions are necessary to draw attention to the urgency of the climate crisis.


The Stop Oil protest at Stonehenge is a stark reminder of the need to take urgent action on climate change. The iconic stones, which have stood for centuries, are now a symbol of the damage that we are doing to our planet. The government must listen to the demands of the protesters and commit to ending fossil fuel investment. The future of our planet depends on it.
